Custom Swag
In need of a shirt or gift for a special occasion? Want a gag gift for your company white elephant exchange? SKiFF CHiCKS is your one stop shop for all things. We stock many items on hand for quick turn around times to meet deadlines and last minute shoppers needs. We can't always work miracles but we can try to meet your deadline if you are open to picking from on hand items.

Custom Items Your Way: The History
When I started Skiff Chicks, I went to the internet to find a customized cheer bow. What I found was thousands of options but the shipping to Alaska was astronomical. So I thought why not just make it myself. So with a little bit of research and my PFD I ordered the supplies to create custom cheer bows. Soon after this I acquired my business license and Skiff Chick Custom Designs was born. I thought why stop with bows there isn't a local place to get custom apparel at low quantities or one of a kind shirts and swag. From there things started happening really fast. I went from having a corner in my sister in laws frame shop to needing my own business space in a matter of a few weeks. I lasted in my first tiny shop 6 months before I outgrew the space and moved the first time.
My mother and aunt who had taught art classes locally in the community joined the team and started teaching classes using multiple glass art mediums. In the summer they focused on art classes while I was away fishing and could utilize the entire shop space. Our classes became popular and again we needed more space. We moved across from Alice's on Pioneer and stayed there for a few years. All was going great until Covid hit. We had to shut our doors to comply with local mandates but we were still able to function and help our community by making masks, PPE and providing sanitizer. It was then I realized that we really didn't need a store front to thrive.
I started building my forever home in 2020 and added a shop and office space to remain operational. Once complete we made a transition to working from this location which is where we remain today. I am able to work from home while raising my kiddos and still bring all my clients ideas to life. We now host our art classes at Homer Art & Frame and have had a great time collaborating and bringing various art opportunities to our community. Keep an eye on our schedule found on the Art Classes Tab for upcoming art opportunities. Thank you for your continued support as we grow and learn from this ever changing and business adventure.
Welcome to our website where we are now able to be the one stop shop of all things SKiFF CHiCK! Happy browsing! It is still a work in progress and items will be added daily so if you don't see what your looking for just reach out and let us know if we need to add a page or product.
~the skiff chick